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April Faery Land Kick Off 

Our Help Create Faery Land In CNY event in April offered FREE Faery Dwelling Building, Lavender Lemonade Tea, many Faery dwellings, beautiful live music, Faery Art ,the Faery Queen and other characters. We will be offering classes in building dwellings at our location and other places in CNY

Text (315)391-5115 or email


Spend sometime every day learning something and creating something

Who We Are

Who we are

This site is being sponsored by CNY Creators and Pinnacle International Center, a 501 C3 non profit that has an office and other facilities at the South Side Innovation Center. The President of Pinnacle is Peter Svoboda, who is also the creative director of the Faery Land studio at 501 West Genesee Street Syracuse. Our goal is to have positive inputs in the culture and in people's lives. If you join the site you will have your own page and can have photos and connect to others. You will also receive emails and updates that may be of interest to you. IF NOT ALREADY A MEMBER JOIN BY GOING TO THE JOIN TAB. THERE IS NO COST TO JOIN.


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A place for creators,schools,art & cultural organizations,libraries,and people that want to buy local quality art,jewelry & more.


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Who We Are

Who we are

This site is being sponsored by CNY Creators and Pinnacle International Center, a 501 C3 non profit that has an office and other facilities at the South Side Innovation Center. The President of Pinnacle is Peter Svoboda, who is also the curator of the 3rd floor Gallery/Maker and Event space  named " The Station" at the historic train station at 400 Burnet, at the corner Catherine and Burnet. Our goal is to have positive inputs in the culture and in people's lives. If you join the site you will have your own page and can have photos and connect to others. You will also receive emails and updates that may be of interest to you. IF NOT ALREADY A MEMBER JOIN BY GOING TO THE JOIN TAB. THERE IS NO COST TO JOIN.

Art Available - Gallery 1

Hope by Ron Warford, 40' x 30 " Graphite on Black Board, Framed 
Mr. Warford's work was selected by the Smithsonian Institution for a national traveling exhibition in 1973. He was one of the initial founding and teaching members at the Folk Art Gallery in Syracuse. His work spings from his imagination and is masterfully executed. Tel (315) 391-5115 for more info or to purchase. One of the presidents of a local art guild referred to Ron's work as  "master works" for their power and quality.

Strength , by Ron Warford. 20 " X 30"  

Home is Where the Hearth Is by Jaws. This piece took 600 hours. Amazingly, to produce this the artist had to put the snowflakes  in first on a white fine piece of paper and then build everything around it. Think about it - this amazing work, and other pieces of the artists work can be seen at CNY Artists Gallery, which purchased this piece in 2013.

Dream Horse by M. Smart

The Travel Channel has launched a new show called, "Mysteries at the Museum." It seems as though there are always mysteries unraveling inside Vatican City. The Da Vinci Code has some fun with their story lines
stemming from this iconic location, but I wonder...what secrets and
mysteries lurk at the Vatican. A big mystery occurred to me when I
visited this landmark in 2008.

Crowds push through the Sistine Chapel to admire the world reknown art.

My husband and I found ourselves swept along through the vast corridors
of the Vatican Museum, pressed in on all sides by a huge throng of
people. The art was truly amazing and literally everywhere--on the
ceilings, walls, and even the floors. It was a chaotic experience and
one I would equate to a noisy cattle drive. The corridor went on for
what seemed like forever, but eventually ended at a small doorway.

The door opens and almost before I know it, we are standing in the
Sistine Chapel. All of the noise and chatter streaming in from the
Vatican Museum mysteriously comes down to a stunned whisper as if on cue
from a musical conductor. We stand in awe and reverence, whispering
amongst ourselves as we take in the magnificence of the room. A feeling
of peace envelopes us all until it is shattered by the guards who are
standing under Michelangelo’s mural, “The Last Day of Judgment,”
screaming, “Silencio!”

As if shaken out of a dream, with a look of surprise, we stared at the
guards disgustedly for distracting us out of our euphoria. Soon the
whispers begin again and again the guards are screaming, “Silencio!” We
found this happening every few minutes as more people made their way
into the chapel. Ironically, the ones making the most noise were the
guards themselves, which I found hilarious and had all I could do not to
match their noise level with a fit of laughter.

After I could take it no longer, we ventured to the other side of the
room and found ourselves in St. Peter's Basilica; where St. Peter is
buried. St. Peter is perhaps the most popular of Jesus' disciples and is
memorialized in time with images of himself hanging upside down on a

Ironically, people were milling around in this most sacred edifice,
talking among themselves using their street voices. There are no guards
yelling, “Silencio” and I begin to wonder, if we don’t have to show St.
Peter a tone of reverence, then just what is going on in The Sistine
Chapel? Is someone buried under the Sistine Chapel the Vatican isn’t
telling us about, and if so just who is it? The Vatican keeps their
secrets close if something is amiss. History is safe for the Vatican
will remain “Silencio!”

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