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April Faery Land Kick Off 

Our Help Create Faery Land In CNY event in April offered FREE Faery Dwelling Building, Lavender Lemonade Tea, many Faery dwellings, beautiful live music, Faery Art ,the Faery Queen and other characters. We will be offering classes in building dwellings at our location and other places in CNY

Text (315)391-5115 or email


Spend sometime every day learning something and creating something

Who We Are

Who we are

This site is being sponsored by CNY Creators and Pinnacle International Center, a 501 C3 non profit that has an office and other facilities at the South Side Innovation Center. The President of Pinnacle is Peter Svoboda, who is also the creative director of the Faery Land studio at 501 West Genesee Street Syracuse. Our goal is to have positive inputs in the culture and in people's lives. If you join the site you will have your own page and can have photos and connect to others. You will also receive emails and updates that may be of interest to you. IF NOT ALREADY A MEMBER JOIN BY GOING TO THE JOIN TAB. THERE IS NO COST TO JOIN.


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A place for creators,schools,art & cultural organizations,libraries,and people that want to buy local quality art,jewelry & more.


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Who We Are

Who we are

This site is being sponsored by CNY Creators and Pinnacle International Center, a 501 C3 non profit that has an office and other facilities at the South Side Innovation Center. The President of Pinnacle is Peter Svoboda, who is also the curator of the 3rd floor Gallery/Maker and Event space  named " The Station" at the historic train station at 400 Burnet, at the corner Catherine and Burnet. Our goal is to have positive inputs in the culture and in people's lives. If you join the site you will have your own page and can have photos and connect to others. You will also receive emails and updates that may be of interest to you. IF NOT ALREADY A MEMBER JOIN BY GOING TO THE JOIN TAB. THERE IS NO COST TO JOIN.

Art Available - Gallery 1

Hope by Ron Warford, 40' x 30 " Graphite on Black Board, Framed 
Mr. Warford's work was selected by the Smithsonian Institution for a national traveling exhibition in 1973. He was one of the initial founding and teaching members at the Folk Art Gallery in Syracuse. His work spings from his imagination and is masterfully executed. Tel (315) 391-5115 for more info or to purchase. One of the presidents of a local art guild referred to Ron's work as  "master works" for their power and quality.

Strength , by Ron Warford. 20 " X 30"  

Home is Where the Hearth Is by Jaws. This piece took 600 hours. Amazingly, to produce this the artist had to put the snowflakes  in first on a white fine piece of paper and then build everything around it. Think about it - this amazing work, and other pieces of the artists work can be seen at CNY Artists Gallery, which purchased this piece in 2013.

Dream Horse by M. Smart

Aurora's Treasures
  • Female
  • Brewerton, NY
  • United States
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Aurora's Treasures's Friends

  • Marcia Wisehoon
  • Gerina A. Faison
  • Cynthia Schmidt
  • Cynthia Cameron Design
  • Don Ford
  • Peter Svoboda

Aurora's Treasures's Page

How it all Began...

  Jewelry making began as just a small hobby for me, making old, boring jewelry more interesting. From there I started learning different jewelry making techniques. Then I started studying gemstones and their healing properties and how they could make my jewelry more beautiful AND functional. Soon after, Aurora's Treasures was born.

  A good deal of though was put into the name I chose for my jewelry. I wanted to be original, getting away from the typical "So-and-so's Creations" or "Blank's Jewelry," and yet still have a name that would describe what I was selling. Aurora has a few meanings for me. Firstly, I wanted to describe the rainbow of colors that gemstones have. Since 'rainbow' was too boring for me, it brought me to the Aurora Borealis, always a beautiful and colorful sight! Aurora is also a goddess of the sun. All colors are created by and can be seen in the sun, so it's perfect. As for 'Treasures,' gemstones and jewelry are treasures to me. And so, the name Aurora's Treasures came to be. It fits my art and my personality perfectly.

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Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 4:35pm on February 2, 2012, Marcia Wisehoon said…

Hi Stephanie, I'm using Encyclopedia of Crystals by Judy Hall to research properties of stones and crystals that I have in inventory. I want to make two displays on heart-shaped boards.  One will have a sign "Love Rocks!" and the other, "Rock Your Love!"  I'll type up cards with the metaphysical info to post with them.  Then, I'll also make up small Red Hearts with one of the slogans, and place them around the gallery on jewelry that has a stone that's featured on the boards.

The items I have researched so far are:  Blue Quartz, Carnelian, Citrine, Flourite, Garnet, Jade, Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Leopardskin Jasper, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, and Turquoise.

If you have jewelry with any of the above, send me a list of the stones and I'll add them to the boards.  I'd like to have small pieces on the boards, like earrings, and pedants.  Otherwise we'll tag jewelry in the cases with a red heart. 

If you have OTHER stones that you think should be included, then send a separate list to me, and I'll research them and make cards.    I do want to add aquamarine.

My phone number is 479-9533-land line.  You can call anytime after 2 in the afternoon.  I'm usually up until 10 pm.

I'd like to get into the store on Saturday to set these up.  Again, sorry to take so long to answer you Steph; these college deadlines have messed with me!

Best regards,



At 4:22pm on January 28, 2012, Marcia Wisehoon said…

Hi Stephanie,

I don't know if Peter has mentioned anything to you about this, but I was just reading your page, and I noted that you have an interest--and information--about healing properties.  We'd like to make some kind of reference or display for the gallery, and I wonder if you'd like to work with me on it.  Could we talk?  Give me a call at 479-9533.  Thanks!


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