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April Faery Land Kick Off 

Our Help Create Faery Land In CNY event in April offered FREE Faery Dwelling Building, Lavender Lemonade Tea, many Faery dwellings, beautiful live music, Faery Art ,the Faery Queen and other characters. We will be offering classes in building dwellings at our location and other places in CNY

Text (315)391-5115 or email


Spend sometime every day learning something and creating something

Who We Are

Who we are

This site is being sponsored by CNY Creators and Pinnacle International Center, a 501 C3 non profit that has an office and other facilities at the South Side Innovation Center. The President of Pinnacle is Peter Svoboda, who is also the creative director of the Faery Land studio at 501 West Genesee Street Syracuse. Our goal is to have positive inputs in the culture and in people's lives. If you join the site you will have your own page and can have photos and connect to others. You will also receive emails and updates that may be of interest to you. IF NOT ALREADY A MEMBER JOIN BY GOING TO THE JOIN TAB. THERE IS NO COST TO JOIN.


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A place for creators,schools,art & cultural organizations,libraries,and people that want to buy local quality art,jewelry & more.


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Who We Are

Who we are

This site is being sponsored by CNY Creators and Pinnacle International Center, a 501 C3 non profit that has an office and other facilities at the South Side Innovation Center. The President of Pinnacle is Peter Svoboda, who is also the curator of the 3rd floor Gallery/Maker and Event space  named " The Station" at the historic train station at 400 Burnet, at the corner Catherine and Burnet. Our goal is to have positive inputs in the culture and in people's lives. If you join the site you will have your own page and can have photos and connect to others. You will also receive emails and updates that may be of interest to you. IF NOT ALREADY A MEMBER JOIN BY GOING TO THE JOIN TAB. THERE IS NO COST TO JOIN.

Art Available - Gallery 1

Hope by Ron Warford, 40' x 30 " Graphite on Black Board, Framed 
Mr. Warford's work was selected by the Smithsonian Institution for a national traveling exhibition in 1973. He was one of the initial founding and teaching members at the Folk Art Gallery in Syracuse. His work spings from his imagination and is masterfully executed. Tel (315) 391-5115 for more info or to purchase. One of the presidents of a local art guild referred to Ron's work as  "master works" for their power and quality.

Strength , by Ron Warford. 20 " X 30"  

Home is Where the Hearth Is by Jaws. This piece took 600 hours. Amazingly, to produce this the artist had to put the snowflakes  in first on a white fine piece of paper and then build everything around it. Think about it - this amazing work, and other pieces of the artists work can be seen at CNY Artists Gallery, which purchased this piece in 2013.

Dream Horse by M. Smart

Here's a problem I hadn't realized. I recently created a collage and used a couple pigeon feathers I collected from my yard! As luck would have it a fellow artist pointed out that feathers can not be used in art if they are from "a migratory bird". After looking up the "feather" rules on line I found out most feathers can't be used except pigeon (yeah! I'm safe) except if questioned I would need to prove it( How do you do that? DNA Tests?). It seems the feathers you use must be commercially bought (like AC Moore) and you need to keep the receipt (so you can prove it). Here's the part that KILLS me and birds. Those bought feathers are from "farmed" birds that are actually killed for the feathers but the ones "found" are molted which is a natural process of growing a new feather which all birds do periodically. That means any feathers found from birds in your yard can't be used except European Starling, Rock Dove/Pigeon, and European House Sparrow. This was a real eye opener for me!

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Comment by Deb Dahlin on February 24, 2011 at 5:44pm
In checking on the web one site said there is a $5,000 fine for selling art with an "illegal" feather in it. The person who reports you gets  1/2 the fine after successful prosecution! The website suggested using only bought feather and keeping the receipt or attaching a copy of it to the back of the art as protection. I am amazed by this whole notion.
Comment by Ellen Gerberich on February 24, 2011 at 8:15am
Ok, The hunt is on,  let us see what we can find?
Comment by Peter Svoboda on February 23, 2011 at 11:55pm
I googled something like "illegal bird feathers" - the initial act was passed in 1918 and covers all migratory birds - there are all these fine details - basically it was enacted to hopefully cut down on extinction. I'd say you probably don't want to get caught with an eagle feather - I tried to find what the fines were - fish and game might know. You may be able to use feathers from ducks, geese and chickens, but there are some issues there too - fish and game/wildlife protection would know
Comment by Ellen Gerberich on February 23, 2011 at 10:36pm

Hi Deb,

Yeah, I also found that out the hard way. I collect feathers amongst other wild findings.

I have a habit of putting a found natural piece in most of my framed art.  Well, lo and behold one piece I was showing had a finch feather in the corner and someone told me the same thing.  Makes absolutely no sense. I wonder, do they actually have feather police?  Hmm ... tax dollars at work.  I wonder what the fine is?  Do we get to go to trail, you know tell our side. lol

Comment by Peter Svoboda on February 23, 2011 at 12:25am

I really appreciate this post and I have some familiarity with this issue. Do you happen to know - What's the worst that can happen if one uses feathers ? Is there a fine ?  Would galleries not show such pieces?  Who monitors, controls, and overviews this regulation ?  Thank you,



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